
MathSolver helps to solve mathematical problems provided by the user. It provides adequate workings to support answers; and this happens on-the-fly

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MathSolver helps to solve mathematical problems within a set of topics provided by the user. It provides adequate workings to support answers; and this happen on-the-fly. It has 8 topics, 34 sub-topics and 234 illustrative examples.


  • As a scientific calculator
  • To learn a topic in Math from the following topics , Number Bases, Algebra, Polynomials, Inequalities, Graphs, Calculus, Statistics.
  • To get detailed workings to exercises or assignment
  • To verify solutions to mathematical problems
  • To perform basic data analysis
  • To visualize mathematical model/equation graphically
  • To generate printable graphs and charts from mathematical functions or statistical data

Get solutions to mathematical problems with classic workings

Get detailed workings to exercises or assignment